Generating related questions for search queries Topics: Ranking, SERP Serving (Tangram/Glue), SERP-Features, User Signals
Determination of a desired repository for retrieving search results Topics: Document Classification, Probably in use, Ranking, Scoring, Search Intent, SERP Serving (Tangram/Glue), SERP-Features, User Signals
Search result filters from resource content Topics: Probably in use, Search Query Processing, SERP-Features
Generating elements of answer-seeking queries and elements of answers Topics: AI (Deep Learning), Featured Snippets, Nitin Gupta, Scoring, Search Query Processing, SERP-Features
Context scoring adjustments for answer passages Topics: AI (Deep Learning), Featured Snippets, Nitin Gupta, Scoring, Search Query Processing, SERP-Features
Scoring candidate answer passages Topics: AI (Deep Learning), Featured Snippets, Nitin Gupta, Scoring, Search Query Processing, SERP-Features
Selective presentation of content types and sources in search Topics: Freshness, Ranking, Scoring, SERP-Features, User Signals
Using user input to adapt search results provided for presentation to the user Topics: AIOverviews, LLMO, Probably in use, SERP-Features, SGE
Multi source extraction and scoring of short query answers Topics: AI (Deep Learning), Data Mining, Probably in use, Scoring, Semantic Search, SERP-Features, SGE