Olaf Kopp ist Online-Marketing-Experte mit mehr als 15 Jahren Erfahrung in Google Ads, SEO und Content Marketing. Olaf ist Co-Founder, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO) und Head of SEO & Content bei der Online Marketing Agentur Aufgesang GmbH. Olaf Kopp ist international anerkannter Branchenexperte für semantische SEO, E-E-A-T, Large Language Model Optimization (LLMO), KI- & Suchmaschinen-Technologie, Content Marketing und Customer Journey Management. Er ist Gründer der weltweit ersten Datenbank für Patente und Research Paper, die jeder SEO kennen sollte und der SEO Research Suite.
Als Autor schreibt Olaf Kopp für nationale und internationale Fachmagazine wie Search Engine Land, t3n, Website Boosting, Hubspot, Sistrix, Oncrawl, Searchmetrics, Upload, OMR … . 2022 war er Top Contributor bei Search Engine Land. Als Speaker stand er auf Bühnen der SMX, SEA/SEO World, CMCx, OMT, Digital Bash oder Campixx.
Er ist Host der Podcasts OM Cafe und Digital Authorities. Er ist ist Autor des Buches “Content-Marketing entlang der Customer Journey”, Co-Autor des Standardwerks “Der Online Marketing Manager” und Mitorganisator des SEAcamp.
Seine thematischen Schwerpunkte liegen in den folgenden Bereichen:
- Nutzerzentriertes Content Marketing
- Customer Journey Management
- Digitale Markenbildung & E-E-A-T
- Content-SEO
- Semantische Suchmaschinenoptimierung
- Suchmaschinentechnologien wie generative KI, Large Language Models (LLM), Natural Language Processing
- Online-Marketing-Strategien
- Leadership
- Produktentwicklung
Mit über 15+ Jahren Erfahrung als Mitbegründer einer knapp 50-köpfigen Online-Marketing-Agentur in verschiedenen Rollen als CEO, Head of PPC, Head of SEO und Chief Business Development Officer konnte ich unternehmerische Erfahrungen in den folgenden Bereichen sammeln:
- Fachliche Leitung in den Bereichen Google Ads, SEO und Content Marketing
- Strategische (Online-)Marketingberatung und Customer Journey Management
- Produktinnovation und -entwicklung
- Vertrieb
- Teamführung und Teamentwicklung
- Agentur-Marketing
- Entrepreneurship & Leadership
- Recruiting
- Strategieentwicklung für digitale Sichtbarkeit und digitalen Markenaufbau
Mit unserer Agentur Aufgesang betreuen wir große und mittelständische Unternehmen und Konzerne in den Bereichen 360 Grad Marketing, SEO, Content Marketing, Performance Marketing, Tracking und PR.
Professionelle Online-Marketing-Beratung erfordert jahrelange Erfahrung in der operativen Planung und Umsetzung in einzelnen Online-Marketing-Disziplinen wie Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, SEO und Content Marketing. Nur wer die Möglichkeiten, Eigenheiten und Grenzen selbst erlebt hat, kann professionell beraten. Aus meiner praktischen Projekterfahrung im Marketing und Online-Marketing seit 2005 habe ich viel lernen können.
- Entwicklung eigener Projekte wie z.B. der sichtbarsten Online-Marketing-Agentur-Website in DACH (www.sem-deutschland.de)
- Content Produktion und Content Distribution
- Autor des Buches “Content Marketing entlang der Customer Journey (2021)” und des E-Books “AdWords-Optimierung” (2013)
- Autor von über 100 Fachartikeln in renommierten Medien
- Anerkannter Branchenexperte & Vordenker in den Bereichen SEO, Content Marketing & Online Marketing Strategie
- Host der Podcasts OM Cafe und Content Kompass
- Mitorganisator des SEAcamp
- Autor verschiedener Studien im Bereich Online-Marketing im E-Commerce
- Co-Autor des erfolgreichen Buches “Der Online-Marketing-Manager” zu den Themen Online-Marketing-Strategie und Content-Marketing
Das Buch: Content Marketing entlang der Customer Journey
In diesem Buch teilt Olaf Ideen und Ansätze aus über 10 Jahren praktischer Erfahrung im Content-Marketing und unzähligen Customer-Journey-Management-Workshops, die er in den letzten Jahren durchführen durfte. Man erfährt, wie man Content Marketing entlang der Customer Journey systematisch umsetzen kann.
Für eine bessere Content-Performance, bessere Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen und erfolgreicheres Branding.
Man kann es hier als E-Book oder als Printversion bei Amazon bestellen.
Autoren Engagement
- Autor bei hubspot
- Autor bei Search Engine Land
- Autor bei Zielbar
- Autor bei Website Boosting
- Autor bei Searchmetrics Blog deutsch
- Autor bei Searchmetrics Blog englisch
- Autor bei Aufgesang
- Autor bei Amazon
- Autor bei t3n
- Autor bei Sistrix
- Autor bei Oncrawl
- Autor bei Upload
Kunden und Partner über mich:

Dominik Schwarz
Olaf Kopp is one of the smartest thought leaders, structurers and presenters in the SEO industry.
Olaf Kopp is one of the smartest thought leaders, structurers and presenters in the SEO industry - every talk and article always a winner.

Stephan Tiersch
For me, Olaf Kopp is one of the most important German voices in the field of online marketing.
For me, Olaf Kopp is one of the most important German voices in the field of online marketing. There is an incredible amount of value to be gained from his content.

Marcus Tandler
"Revolutionizing SEO Research with Data-Driven Insights: Save Time and Uncover Critical Trends with the SEO Research Suite"
Basic research on search engine patents, research papers, leaks... are essential knowledge drivers of the SEO industry. Such sources provide information on what search engines like Google are working on, which alleged SEO trends are hype, and what you as an SEO should be focusing on. However, this form of research and education is very time-consuming. With the SEO Research Suite, fundamental research is now possible in minutes and seconds thanks to the well-structured database and the AI Research Assistant based on detailed sources such as Google patents, the Google API leak and resources that are fundamental to SEO. The knowledge gain and time savings are huge!

Markus Hövener
A lot of knowledge and a lot of experience in online marketing, SEO and content marketing
Olaf Kopp is opinionated and has two things in particular that are important: a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience in online marketing, SEO and content marketing. And he has the unconditional will to really bring companies and their websites forward.

Yusuf Sar
The holistic view and approach to a unique problem is unique!
Olaf Kopp doesn't mince words and takes projects to the next level. I've worked with a great many online agencies, "experts" and marketing/SEO "gurus", but no one has been able to go from small to big so quickly and never lose sight of the underlying problem. The holistic view and approach to a unique problem is, as far as I can tell, unique.

Benjamin O'Daniel
For all professionals interested in deep dives.
In SEO, there are no simple answers anymore. You need a greater and deeper understanding. This is exactly what Olaf Kopp delivers. He dives into the individual topics and works them up in a sound and structured way. For all professionals who are interested in deep dives.

Marco Janck
Olaf Kopp is someone who really gets stuck into the topic of SEO & Content Marketing.
"Olaf Kopp is someone who really gets into the topic of SEO & content marketing. Really writes into it. He is one of those people who is not content to describe a simple truth. Everything Olaf writes and says is very thoughtful and useful for his topics. He is among the top subject matter experts in SEO & Content Marketing."

Maike Petersen
The best learning base I know of....
No matter how many years of content marketing know-how you already have, Olaf Kopp's content always provides an exorbitantly good overview of the topic, goes into great depth, is complex & easy to understand and is the best learning base I know.

Hendrik Flanagan-Wevers
I appreciate him as a partner, speaker and informer when it comes to marketing!
I've known Olaf Kopp for a long time and follow him (and his advice). Olaf has a very special view of marketing, web analytics, SEO and all the rest, and that's what makes his expertise so valuable. Where others quickly pant after the general information, Olaf looks behind the scenes, gives clever tips and questions everything that sounds (or looks) wrong. Olaf's experience and enthusiasm for modern, target group-oriented marketing are razor-sharp in the analysis. I appreciate him as a partner, speaker and informer when it comes to marketing. For me one of the best addresses in terms of SEO. And if he criticizes something, you should listen carefully, because his analysis is sound and gives valuable food for thought. A couple of marketing slobs could learn a lesson from that!

Inken Kuhlmann
Olaf Kopp is not only a pure SEO expert, but also for inbound marketing. This combination makes him unique.
Olaf Kopp is not only a pure SEO expert, because he has also been dealing with the topic of inbound for a long time. It is this combination that makes him unique and it is always nice to read an article from him. The articles that Olaf publishes on the agency's own blog are well worth reading.

Felix Beilharz
Olaf Kopp is an institution in the German and international SEO and online marketing scene.
Olaf Kopp is an institution in the German and international SEO and online marketing scene. He advances the entire industry with his in-depth content and analysis - and has done so for many years. Hardly anyone else digs so deeply into topics and thus brings as many gold nuggets to the surface as Olaf. Without him we would know significantly less about E-A-T and semantic search, but also about SEO and content in general. Therefore: If you have the chance to listen to Olaf and read from him - do it!

Carsten Wolff
Inspiring online marketing workshop!
"Dear Mr. Kopp, Thanks and praise for the workshop Online Marketing for the tire trade. Our customers and of course we were and are thrilled!"
Stärken & Fokus:
Olaf Kopp agiert als Schnittstelle zwischen unterschiedlichen Marketingwelten und baut Brücken, stets im Blick auf eine nutzerzentrierte Strategie. Er ist eine einfühlsame Führungskraft mit einer sehr schnellen Auffassungsgabe und strategischem Denken.
Mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung als Marketeer, CEO, CBDO, Head of SEO sowie Head of PPC hat er Erfahrungen in der operativen sowie strategischen Betreuung von hunderten Online-Projekten gesammelt. Mit diesem Erfahrungsschatz ist er in der Lage, Unternehmen in der digitalen Welt und darüber hinaus strategisch aufzustellen und im Online-Marketing erfolgreich zu machen. Seine Kernkompetenzen liegen in der semantischen Suchmaschinenoptimierung mit den Schwerpunkten Content, Customer Journey Management und Content Marketing. Seit 2005 beschäftigt er sich mit SEA, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing und Suchmaschinen-Technologie.
Biografie von Olaf Kopp:
Nach einer Ausbildung zum Groß- und Außenhandelskaufmann und einer einjährigen Anstellung als kaufmännischer Angestellter begann Olaf Kopp im Jahr 2002 sein Studium zum Diplom-Kaufmann mit den Schwerpunkten Marketing und E-Business. Das Thema seiner Abschlussarbeit im Jahr 2006 war Mundpropaganda, virales und Buzz-Marketing. Bereits während Olafs Studium beschäftigte er sich intensiv mit Social Media Marketing und gründete 2005 die Online-Künstlerplattform Phatfunk Music.
Olaf Kopp trat Ende 2006 eine Stelle als Marketing Manager und Online-Chefredakteur bei einem Versandhändler in der Musik- und Streetwear-Branche an. 2009 wurde er Online Marketing Manager mit Schwerpunkt SEA und SEO bei deutschrock.de, einer Tochtergesellschaft von Universal Music Deutschland und begleitete den Start von bravado.de, bevor er im Oktober 2009 zurück nach Hannover zog, um die Online-Marketing-Agentur SEM Deutschland zu gründen.
Im Januar 2012 gründete Olaf zusammen mit Ulf-Hendrik Schrader die Agentur Aufgesang. Dort war er bis Januar 2015 als Geschäftsführer, Leiter SEO sowie Leiter PPC tätig. Aktuell ist er Chief Business Development Officer und Head of SEO.
2013 gründeten Thomas Grübel, David Schlee, Andreas Hörcher und Olaf Kopp die SEAcamp-Veranstaltung. Das SEACamp ist zu einem festen Termin für SEA- und PPC-Professionals aus der DACH-Region geworden.
Olaf Kopp war von 2010 bis 2018 Seminarleiter für Google Analytics, Google Ads, Content Marketing und SEO an der IHK Hannover, der Norddeutschen Akademie und der Hochschule Hannover.
Olaf Kopp ist als Autor an verschiedenen Buchveröffentlichungen beteiligt und schrieb 2021 eines der ersten Bücher weltweit zum Thema Content Marketing in der Customer Journey.
Meine Werdegang:
Co-Founder, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO), Aufgesang GmbH (seit Januar 2017)
Co-Founder, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO), Aufgesang GmbH (seit Januar 2017)Head of SEO, Aufgesang GmbH (2014 until today)
Head of SEO, Aufgesang GmbH (2014 until today)Co-organizer SEACamp Jena (2013 - today)
Co-organizer SEACamp Jena (2013 - today)Managing Director (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing / 2012 - 2015 ), Head of Online Marketing (Aufgesang Agency Group)
Managing Director (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing / 2012 - 2015 ), Head of Online Marketing (Aufgesang Agency Group)Lecturer at Steinbeis University for SEO, Google Analytics & Content Marketing (2013 to 2018)
Lecturer at Steinbeis University for SEO, Google Analytics & Content Marketing (2013 to 2018)Head of PPC (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing GmbH (2012 - 2015)
Head of PPC (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing GmbH (2012 - 2015)Lecturer Hanover University of Applied Sciences (2012-2015)
Lecturer Hanover University of Applied Sciences (2012-2015)Seminar leader at the IHK Hannover for Google Analytics & Google AdWords (2010 - 2015)
Seminar leader at the IHK Hannover for Google Analytics & Google AdWords (2010 - 2015)Agency Founder & Owner (SEM-Germany / 2009-2012)
Agency Founder & Owner (SEM-Germany / 2009-2012)Online Marketing Manager (Universal Music / Bravado.de / 2009)
Online Marketing Manager (Universal Music / Bravado.de / 2009)Marketing Manager, Online Editor-in-Chief (MZEE .com/2006-2009)
Marketing Manager, Online Editor-in-Chief (MZEE .com/2006-2009)Degree in Business Administration: University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim (HAWK / 2002 to 2006)
Degree in Business Administration: University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim (HAWK / 2002 to 2006)Commercial employee in wholesale trade (2001-2002)
Commercial employee in wholesale trade (2001-2002)Apprenticeship as wholesale and foreign trade merchant ( 1998-2001)
Apprenticeship as wholesale and foreign trade merchant ( 1998-2001)Einige meiner über 100 Fachartikel:
Aus meinem Blog:

LLMO / Generative Engine Optimization: How do you optimize for the answers of generative AI systems?
As more and more people prefer to ask ChatGPT rather than Google when searching for read more

Prompt Engineering Guide: Tutorial, best practises, examples
Prompt engineering is an essential skill to maximize LLM potential, providing methods to control and read more

Overview: Brand Monitoring Tools for LLMO / Generative Engine Optimization
Generative AI assistants like ChatGPT or Claude and AI search engines like Perplexity or Google read more

What is the Google Shopping Graph and how does it work?
The Google Shopping Graph is an advanced, dynamic data structure developed by Google to enhance read more

How Google can personalize search results?
The personalization of search results is one of the last steps in the ranking process read more

The dimensions of the Google ranking
The ranking factors at Google have become more and more multidimensional and diverse over the read more
Niedersachsen, Bremen und Hamburg
Nordrhein-Westfalen & Rheinland Pfalz
Hessen, Sachsen-Anhalt
Satisfied SEO Thought Leader members about the SEO Research Suite

Dominik Schwarz
Olaf Kopp is one of the smartest thought leaders, structurers and presenters in the SEO industry.
Olaf Kopp is one of the smartest thought leaders, structurers and presenters in the SEO industry - every talk and article always a winner.

Stephan Tiersch
For me, Olaf Kopp is one of the most important German voices in the field of online marketing.
For me, Olaf Kopp is one of the most important German voices in the field of online marketing. There is an incredible amount of value to be gained from his content.

Marcus Tandler
"Revolutionizing SEO Research with Data-Driven Insights: Save Time and Uncover Critical Trends with the SEO Research Suite"
Basic research on search engine patents, research papers, leaks... are essential knowledge drivers of the SEO industry. Such sources provide information on what search engines like Google are working on, which alleged SEO trends are hype, and what you as an SEO should be focusing on. However, this form of research and education is very time-consuming. With the SEO Research Suite, fundamental research is now possible in minutes and seconds thanks to the well-structured database and the AI Research Assistant based on detailed sources such as Google patents, the Google API leak and resources that are fundamental to SEO. The knowledge gain and time savings are huge!

Markus Hövener
A lot of knowledge and a lot of experience in online marketing, SEO and content marketing
Olaf Kopp is opinionated and has two things in particular that are important: a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience in online marketing, SEO and content marketing. And he has the unconditional will to really bring companies and their websites forward.

Yusuf Sar
The holistic view and approach to a unique problem is unique!
Olaf Kopp doesn't mince words and takes projects to the next level. I've worked with a great many online agencies, "experts" and marketing/SEO "gurus", but no one has been able to go from small to big so quickly and never lose sight of the underlying problem. The holistic view and approach to a unique problem is, as far as I can tell, unique.

Benjamin O'Daniel
For all professionals interested in deep dives.
In SEO, there are no simple answers anymore. You need a greater and deeper understanding. This is exactly what Olaf Kopp delivers. He dives into the individual topics and works them up in a sound and structured way. For all professionals who are interested in deep dives.

Marco Janck
Olaf Kopp is someone who really gets stuck into the topic of SEO & Content Marketing.
"Olaf Kopp is someone who really gets into the topic of SEO & content marketing. Really writes into it. He is one of those people who is not content to describe a simple truth. Everything Olaf writes and says is very thoughtful and useful for his topics. He is among the top subject matter experts in SEO & Content Marketing."

Maike Petersen
The best learning base I know of....
No matter how many years of content marketing know-how you already have, Olaf Kopp's content always provides an exorbitantly good overview of the topic, goes into great depth, is complex & easy to understand and is the best learning base I know.

Hendrik Flanagan-Wevers
I appreciate him as a partner, speaker and informer when it comes to marketing!
I've known Olaf Kopp for a long time and follow him (and his advice). Olaf has a very special view of marketing, web analytics, SEO and all the rest, and that's what makes his expertise so valuable. Where others quickly pant after the general information, Olaf looks behind the scenes, gives clever tips and questions everything that sounds (or looks) wrong. Olaf's experience and enthusiasm for modern, target group-oriented marketing are razor-sharp in the analysis. I appreciate him as a partner, speaker and informer when it comes to marketing. For me one of the best addresses in terms of SEO. And if he criticizes something, you should listen carefully, because his analysis is sound and gives valuable food for thought. A couple of marketing slobs could learn a lesson from that!

Inken Kuhlmann
Olaf Kopp is not only a pure SEO expert, but also for inbound marketing. This combination makes him unique.
Olaf Kopp is not only a pure SEO expert, because he has also been dealing with the topic of inbound for a long time. It is this combination that makes him unique and it is always nice to read an article from him. The articles that Olaf publishes on the agency's own blog are well worth reading.

Felix Beilharz
Olaf Kopp is an institution in the German and international SEO and online marketing scene.
Olaf Kopp is an institution in the German and international SEO and online marketing scene. He advances the entire industry with his in-depth content and analysis - and has done so for many years. Hardly anyone else digs so deeply into topics and thus brings as many gold nuggets to the surface as Olaf. Without him we would know significantly less about E-A-T and semantic search, but also about SEO and content in general. Therefore: If you have the chance to listen to Olaf and read from him - do it!

Carsten Wolff
Inspiring online marketing workshop!
"Dear Mr. Kopp, Thanks and praise for the workshop Online Marketing for the tire trade. Our customers and of course we were and are thrilled!"