Olaf Kopp is Co-Founder, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO) and Head of SEO & Content at the online marketing agency Aufgesang GmbH. He is an online marketing expert with more than 15 years of experience in Google Ads, SEO and Content Marketing. Olaf Kopp is an internationally recognized industry expert in semantic SEO, E-E-A-T, modern search engine technology, content marketing and customer journey management. He is the founder of the world’s first database for patents and research papers, which every SEO should know.


As an author, Olaf Kopp writes for german and international trade magazines such as Search Engine Land, t3n, Website Boosting, Hubspot, Sistrix, Oncrawl, Searchmetrics, Upload … . In 2022 he was Top contributor for Search Engine Land. As a speaker he stood on stages of SMX, SEA/SEO World, CMCx, OMT or Campixx.

He is co-founder and host of the podcasts OM Cafe and Digital Authorities (both german language). Olaf Kopp is author of the book “Content Marketing along the Customer Journey” and co-organizer of the Performance Marketing event SEAcamp.

His topical focus is in the following areas:

  • Digital brand building & E-E-A-T
  • Content driven SEO
  • Semantic search engine optimization
  • User-centered content marketing
  • Customer journey management
  • Search Engine Technologies like Natural Language Processing
  • Online marketing strategies
  • Leadership

As Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO) & Head of SEO at Aufgesang GmbH, which he co-founded in 2012, he is responsible for product development, seo leadership, content marketing, agency marketing, sales and leadership.

From 2012 to 2015, Olaf Kopp was managing director at Aufgesang.

Olaf Kopp is based in Hanover (Germany) and Westernalgarve (Portugal).


In this book, I share ideas and approaches from over 10 years of practical experience in content marketing and countless customer journey management workshops I’ve been privileged to conduct over the past few years. You will learn how to systematically implement content marketing along the customer journey.

For better content performance, better visibility in search engines and more successful branding.

You can order it as an e-book here or as a print version at Amazon.

I have (co-)written the following books and magazines.

t3n Guide - Content-Marketing along the Costumer Journey

Book: The Online Marketing Manager: Co-Author on Online Marketing Strategy and Content Marketing

Cover Story Website Boosting No. 28: Article: This is how Google thinks! What webmasters can learn from the Quality Rater Guidelines

Cover Story Website Boosting No.40: Contribution on Digital Brand Building & SEO

t3n Issue 32: Article on Inbound Marketing

t3n Issue 48: Article on inbound content marketing in the customer journey

Cover Story Website Boosting No.57: Contribution to Entities & Knowledge Graph

Cover Story Website Boosting No.71: Contribution To Google MUM - The use of artificial intelligence is turning search results upside down. How is your website affected by this?

Proven expert in online marketing, SEO and content marketing.

Anyone can call themselves an expert. But others make you an expert. Over the last 10 years I have been interviewed and recommended as an expert by various magazines like t3n, onlinemarketing.de, searchenginejournal or hubspot. Here are some references:

Author Engagement:


Speaker Engagement:


Here are more sources that reference me as an expert:


Olaf Kopp is moving as an interface between different marketing worlds and building bridges always keeping a user-centric strategy in mind. He is an empathetic leader with a very quick perception and strategic thinking.

With over 15 years of experience as a marketer, CEO, CBDO, Head of SEO as well as Head of PPC, he has gained experience in the operational as well as strategic support of over 100+ online projects. With this wealth of experience, he is able to strategically position companies in the digital world and beyond and make them successful with his online marketing consulting. His main areas of expertise are semantic search engine optimization with a focus on content, customer journey management and content marketing. He has been working on SEA, SEO, social media marketing and content marketing since 2005.

Olaf Kopp bio:

After apprenticeship as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant and 1-year employment as a commercial employee, Olaf Kopp began his studies in 2002 to become a business graduate with a focus on marketing and e-business in 2006. The topic of his final thesis was word-of-mouth, viral and buzz marketing. Already during Olafs studies he was intensively involved in social media marketing and founded the online artist platform Phatfunk Music in 2005.

Olaf Kopp took a job as marketing manager and online chief editor at a mail order company in the music and streetwear industry at the end of 2006. In 2009 he became Online Marketing Manager with focus on SEA and SEO at deutschrock.de a subsidiary of Universal Music Germany and accompanied the launch of bravado.de before he moved back to hanover in October 2009 to found the online marketing agency SEM Deutschland.

In January 2012, Olaf founded the agency Aufgesang together with Ulf-Hendrik Schrader. There he worked as Managing Director, Head of SEO as well as Head of PPC until January 2015.

In 2013 Thomas Grübel, David Schlee, Adreas Hörcher and Olaf Kopp founded the SEAcamp event. The SEACamp has become a fixed date for SEA and PPC professionals from the DACH region.

Olaf Kopp was a seminar instructor for Google Analytics, Google Ads, Content Marketing and SEO at the IHK Hannover, the Norddeutsche Akademie and Hochschule Hannover from 2010 to 2018.

Olaf Kopp is involved as an author in various book publications and in 2021 he wrote one of the first books worldwide on the topic of content marketing in the customer journey.

My resume:

Co-Founder, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO), Aufgesang GmbH (seit Januar 2017)

Co-Founder, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO), Aufgesang GmbH (seit Januar 2017)

Head of SEO, Aufgesang GmbH (2014 until today)

Head of SEO, Aufgesang GmbH (2014 until today)

Co-organizer SEACamp Jena (2013 - today)

Co-organizer SEACamp Jena (2013 - today)

Managing Director (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing / 2012 - 2015 ), Head of Online Marketing (Aufgesang Agency Group)

Managing Director (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing / 2012 - 2015 ), Head of Online Marketing (Aufgesang Agency Group)

Lecturer at Steinbeis University for SEO, Google Analytics & Content Marketing (2013 to 2018)

Lecturer at Steinbeis University for SEO, Google Analytics & Content Marketing (2013 to 2018)

Head of PPC (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing GmbH (2012 - 2015)

Head of PPC (Aufgesang Inbound Marketing GmbH (2012 - 2015)

Lecturer Hanover University of Applied Sciences (2012-2015)

Lecturer Hanover University of Applied Sciences (2012-2015)

Seminar leader at the IHK Hannover for Google Analytics & Google AdWords (2010 - 2015)

Seminar leader at the IHK Hannover for Google Analytics & Google AdWords (2010 - 2015)

Agency Founder & Owner (SEM-Germany / 2009-2012)

Agency Founder & Owner (SEM-Germany / 2009-2012)

Online Marketing Manager (Universal Music / Bravado.de / 2009)

Online Marketing Manager (Universal Music / Bravado.de / 2009)

Marketing Manager, Online Editor-in-Chief (MZEE .com/2006-2009)

Marketing Manager, Online Editor-in-Chief (MZEE .com/2006-2009)

Degree in Business Administration: University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim (HAWK / 2002 to 2006)

Degree in Business Administration: University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim (HAWK / 2002 to 2006)

Commercial employee in wholesale trade (2001-2002)

Commercial employee in wholesale trade (2001-2002)

Apprenticeship as wholesale and foreign trade merchant ( 1998-2001)

Apprenticeship as wholesale and foreign trade merchant ( 1998-2001)

Here are some of my over 100 articles on other websites & platforms:

Recorded lectures:

Discussion Panel: Quo Vadis SEO?

Podcast with Marie Haynes about Semantic Search and E-A-T

How entities have changed SEO

Searchmetrics Summit 2017: Discussion-Panel "Evaluation of Search und SERPs"

Strategies for SEO content creation in the time of ChatGPT

Interview at OMX 2018 - Online Marketing & Advertising

Interview Search Camp - Digital Brand Building, 2017

Interview: Topic Content Marketing, E-A-T & Digital Brand Building.

State of Semantic Search & the future of SEO in times of SGE - Campixx 2023

Hannover Messe 2014: Digital brand building and SEO

Interview on the subject of entities and E-A-T

Dreamteam SEO, PR & Content-Marketing

Dr. Kerstin Hoffmann: On the state of communication - Episode 20

d2mtalk: Challenges in user-centric strategic content marketing

CISION Webinar: PR, Content & SEO - The Dream Team in Online Marketing

Create texts using AI | Technology, Tools: ChatGPT vs. Jasper v.s Frase

Seminar Online Marketing along the Customer Journey with Felix Beilharz

Interview on the topic of entity-based search

Marketing Real Talk - Sind Social Signals SEO-relevant?

Marketing Real Talk - How does Google value digital brands?

SEO for Brands: Strategies and tips

Entity-based search: Everything about the knowledge graph, NLP, ranking, E A T and semantics in SEO

E-E-A-T & Google SGE: Role & importance with a view to the AI ​​future

CeBit 2015: The importance of the brand in online marketing

APA - Austria Press Agency 2013: Content Marketing Keynote & Discussion Panel

Interview on the topic of entities, sentiment & co.

"Interesting? I look forward to your request!"

    Alexander Rus

    Founder & CEO, Evergreen Media

    Olaf Kopp is not afraid to speak his mind. That is incredibly rare

    For me, there is no one who can convey online marketing topics for advanced learners in such a structured way as Olaf Kopp. In addition, it should be emphasized that he doesn't just reflect the general consensus, as is common in the industry, but you really learn how things work in practice. Olaf Kopp is not afraid to express his opinion. That is incredibly rare.

    Dominik Schwarz

    Chief Inbound Officer @ HomeToGo

    Olaf Kopp is one of the smartest thought leaders, structurers and presenters in the SEO industry.

    Olaf Kopp is one of the smartest thought leaders, structurers and presenters in the SEO industry - every talk and article always a winner.

    Markus Hövener

    Gründer, Bloofusion Germany GmbH

    A lot of knowledge and a lot of experience in online marketing, SEO and content marketing

    Olaf Kopp is opinionated and has two things in particular that are important: a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience in online marketing, SEO and content marketing. And he has the unconditional will to really bring companies and their websites forward.

    Marco Janck

    SEO, SUMAGO & Wylder

    Olaf Kopp is someone who really gets stuck into the topic of SEO & Content Marketing.

    "Olaf Kopp is someone who really gets into the topic of SEO & content marketing. Really writes into it. He is one of those people who is not content to describe a simple truth. Everything Olaf writes and says is very thoughtful and useful for his topics. He is among the top subject matter experts in SEO & Content Marketing."

    Hendrik Flanagan-Wevers

    Marketing Manager, Rheinwerk Verlag

    I appreciate him as a partner, speaker and informer when it comes to marketing!

    I've known Olaf Kopp for a long time and follow him (and his advice). Olaf has a very special view of marketing, web analytics, SEO and all the rest, and that's what makes his expertise so valuable. Where others quickly pant after the general information, Olaf looks behind the scenes, gives clever tips and questions everything that sounds (or looks) wrong. Olaf's experience and enthusiasm for modern, target group-oriented marketing are razor-sharp in the analysis. I appreciate him as a partner, speaker and informer when it comes to marketing. For me one of the best addresses in terms of SEO. And if he criticizes something, you should listen carefully, because his analysis is sound and gives valuable food for thought. A couple of marketing slobs could learn a lesson from that!

    Stephan Tiersch

    Geschäftsführer, Strategy, Kresse & Discher

    For me, Olaf Kopp is one of the most important German voices in the field of online marketing.

    For me, Olaf Kopp is one of the most important German voices in the field of online marketing. There is an incredible amount of value to be gained from his content.

    Inken Kuhlmann

    Senior Marketing Manager, Hubspot

    Olaf Kopp is not only a pure SEO expert, but also for inbound marketing. This combination makes him unique.

    Olaf Kopp is not only a pure SEO expert, because he has also been dealing with the topic of inbound for a long time. It is this combination that makes him unique and it is always nice to read an article from him. The articles that Olaf publishes on the agency's own blog are well worth reading.

    Yusuf Sar

    Founder & CEO, Hardwarewartung.com

    The holistic view and approach to a unique problem is unique!

    Olaf Kopp doesn't mince words and takes projects to the next level. I've worked with a great many online agencies, "experts" and marketing/SEO "gurus", but no one has been able to go from small to big so quickly and never lose sight of the underlying problem. The holistic view and approach to a unique problem is, as far as I can tell, unique.

    Felix Beilharz

    Social Media Expert

    Olaf Kopp is an institution in the German and international SEO and online marketing scene.

    Olaf Kopp is an institution in the German and international SEO and online marketing scene. He advances the entire industry with his in-depth content and analysis - and has done so for many years. Hardly anyone else digs so deeply into topics and thus brings as many gold nuggets to the surface as Olaf. Without him we would know significantly less about E-A-T and semantic search, but also about SEO and content in general. Therefore: If you have the chance to listen to Olaf and read from him - do it!

    Albert Costill

    Author Search Engine Journal, Co-Founder evolvor.com

    Since 2012, the Aufgesang Blog has written hundreds of articles focusing on SEO, inbound marketing, AdWords, content marketing, and social media marketing.

    Since 2012, the Aufgesang Inbound Online Marketing blog has written hundreds of articles focusing on SEO, inbound marketing, AdWords, content marketing, and social media marketing. The blog features thought-provoking guest posts from some of Germany’s most respected industry leaders. One of our favorite articles written by Mr. Olaf explains exactly what content marketing is and why it doesn’t make sense to use it for SEO purposes.

    Maike Petersen

    DIGITALqueen, Book author, interim manager

    The best learning base I know of....

    No matter how many years of content marketing know-how you already have, Olaf Kopp's content always provides an exorbitantly good overview of the topic, goes into great depth, is complex & easy to understand and is the best learning base I know.

    Danny Goodwin

    Managing Editor SearchEngineLand

    Top Contributor 2022

    Below you’ll find links to the 10 most-read, must-read Search Engine Land SEO columns of 2022 that were contributed by our fantastic group of Subject Matter Experts. I have to give some recognition to Olaf Kopp, who authored three of the 10 most popular SEO columns of the year. Amazing!